Sunday, January 18, 2009

The abeyant feeling

The world laughs at him,
His own image mocks through the silvery brims,
Once, He had power, fame and everything a person
In heaven could lay hands on,
Those were not got by some easy means
Toil, blood, and sweat were the source of his success,
But the vile world taught him a secret,
Which he should never have learnt?
Or was it a curse by the gods for his misdeeds,
He didn’t know,
His loved and dear ones warned him,
Saying” your tongue is your enemy”
Whereas others stepped on him, jeeringly
Encouraging his enemy.
He never paid heed to those warnings.
Not only leering at the loved one’s
But also detesting life and everything around it….
How long can these dilemmas of co-existence last?
A fragment of his mind started pondering and conversing
With other parts of the sub conscience,
Saying “you are the best person in the world
Y do u falsely create an aura of being the worst?”
That is when he realized,
His life had been a bad hangover,
Being an altruist with a waggling tongue
Is as bad as draining his own blood.
He started changing and life became a joyful ride,
I am what I am and I will not be what I was…

1 comment:

  1. This is a good poem but it shows that it was your earlier poem
